Kalinga Sikhsha Sathi Yojna in Hindi How to get loan under Kalinga Siksha Sathi Yojna Odisha

Odisha’s Chief Minister Naveen Patnayak has recently launched Kalinga Sikhsha Sathi Yojna to offer education load at 1% Interest only. Taking Education loan and than study is not easy for a child comes from a economically backward family. So to help those students Odisha govt has issued Kalinga Sikhsha Sathi Yojna to help the bright students of the state. If you have already heart about the news than you must be searching about Kalinga Siksha sathi yojna by odisha Govt Full details, Eligibility criteria for Kalinga Sikhsha Sathi yojna(KSSY). You must have some question in your mind like how to get education loan under KSSY of Odisha Govt, Kalinga Sikhaha Sathi Yojna full details in hindi,Odisha Govt ka 1rs interest wala loan kya hai, Kalinga Siksha Sathi yojna me loan kaise milega and all the other question. So here i am going to answer all the possible questions related to Kalinga Sikhsha sathi Yojna .

Kalinga Siksha Sathi Yojna in Hindi

ग़रीब परिवार के होनहार छात्रों की सहयता हेतु उड़ीसा सरकार ने 1 प्रतिशत ब्याज दर पे शिक्षा ऋण उपलब्ध करने हेतु एक नई योजना लागू की है. इस योजना का नाम कॅलिंगा शिक्षा साथी योजना है. इस योजना के तहत उदीशा के छात्र तथा छात्राएँ उच्च शिक्षा के लिए ऋण ले सकते है जिसकी ब्याज राशि केवल 1% रहेगा.
इस ऋण का लाभ प्राप्त करने के लिए ज़रूरी है की छात्र उड़ीसा के हों
परवरिक आय 4.5 लाख से कम हो
यह लोन इंजिनियरिंग, मेडिकल या अन्य किसी भी छेत्र मे उच्च शिक्षा ग्रहण करने के लिए ली जा सकती है.
छात्र को अधिकतम 10लाख तक का लोन मिल सकता है इस योजना के अंतर्गत.
आघर आपको अभी कोई प्रश्न पुच्छना है तो आप हमारे कॉमेंट बॉक्स मे पूछ सकते है.

Kalinga Siksha Sathi Yojna Eligibility:-

  • Should be resident of Odisha
  • Family become below 4.5 Lakh Per Annum.
  • applicant can get a maximum loan of 10 Lakh.
  • Any student fulfilling these criteria and wants to complete his higher studies in medical, engineering or resarch can apply for the KSSY scheme of odisha Govt.

How to get loan under Kalinga Shiksha Sathi Yojna:-

  • Candidate fulfilling all the criteria can apply for the loan.
  • they will have to give security deposit as per bank rule.
  • Students will have to repay the loan amount after 4-5 years of moratorium period.
  • Banks are free to accept to reject loan applications as per particular bank’s policy.

Note:- You can ask your questions related to Kalinga Siksha Sathi Yojna Loan by odisha govt in our comment box. For more you can visit the official website of Odisha Govt.



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