WBSSC Food Sub Inspector (SI) 1131 Post Result 2014 Exam Date 27th July 2014
|WBSSC (West Bengal staff Selection Commission) was issued a notification for the post of FSI (Food Sub Inspector) which exam was held on 27th July 2014. There are total 1131 vacancies for Food sub inspector. Candidates who have appeared in Food SI exam 2014,now eagerly waiting for their WBSSC Food Si written exam result 2014. WBSSC Sub Inspector Food (SIF) exam result will declared in last of Dec 2014 on official website of WBSSC. indly note the official website of wbssc ie www.wbssc.gov.in. candidates open official website of WBSSC,here sub Inspector food result 2014 will published. Official website has been declared that,food sub inspector result will declared in December 2014. Candidates kindly wait for few more days. For downloading the WBSSC SIF result 2014,candidates should have their roll no and date of birth.
Download WBSSC Food Sub Inspector exam result 2014 www.wbssc.gov.in :-
WBSSC has been successfully completed the exam of sub inspector food in the month of July. Official website has announced that food sub inspector result will declared in December 2014. Candidates who will qualified this exam their next process is to verify documents and personality test. Document verification and personality test will held in January-March 2015. After this final result of WBSSC Food sub inspector exam will announced in April 2015. Advised to all candidates,if you want to be update with all news or notification of this exam then must like us on Facebook. The lovelyheart team will inform you and update on Facebook fan page. Direct link of WBSSC Food Sub inspector exam result 2014 is given below. Click on this link and put your roll no and date of birth.
Food supply sub inspector