Mysore University 1st,3rd,5th Sem Result Nov-Dec 2014 Declared

Mysore University Karnataka has been declared today the result of 01st,03rd and 5th Semester. Lakhs of students were participated in Mysore university UG/PG courses exams like BA,B.Sc,,BCA,MCA,BBA,MBA,BBM,M.Sc,M.Com,MA Etc. Today on 06th March 2015 Mysore university B.Com all semester exam result 2014-15 is declared on official website of Mysore university. Candidates visit official website of Mysore university and download their Mysore university B.Com 1st,2nd and 3rd year result 2014-15. Official website of Mysore university is Candidates visit this website and go in result section,here select your semester and put roll no. Now you can download your Mysore university result 2014. Due to server problem at time official website is not working,but it will work soon. So candidates wait for few hours. Here on this website we are going to published the direct link of Mysore university 1st,3rd and 5th Semester result Nov-Dec 2014. Candidates can downloadtheir result by visiting this given link.

Mysore University BA,B.Com,B.Sc UG/PG Odd Semester Result 2014 :-

Mysore university B.Com Odd Sem (01st,3rd and 5th) result 2015 has been announced on official website of Mysore. Candidates are eagerly waiting for their Odd sem result 2015. For downloading the Mysore university result 2015,candidates should have their roll no.Put their roll no is given link which is below and download Mysore university 2015 results.

Candidates can leave their precious comments about result in comment box.

Download Mysore University B.Com Exam Result 2014-15 


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